Movie 6

CAPNS1 depletion is coupled to impairment of Atg9 traffic. Control (Movie 5) and shCAPNS1 U2OS cells (Movie 6) were transfected with HcRed-LC3 and GFP-Atg9. 24 hours later, a 90 minutes time-lapse experiment was performed using a confocal microscope. After the first 15 minutes of images acquisition, 100 nM thapsigargin was added to the cells. Images were acquired every two minutes.

Calpain mobilizes Atg9/Bif-1 vesicles from Golgi stacks upon autophagy induction by thapsigargin

Elena Marcassa, Marzia Raimondi, Tahira Anwar, Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen, Michael P. Myers, Gianluca Triolo, Claudio Schneider, and Francesca Demarchi

Biology Open 2017. 6:551-562; doi: 10.1242/bio.022806