Movie 2.

Rotation of healed wound. Tg(BB3mus7)kg309; Tg(HS:Cre.cryaa:RFP)kg310 embryo was subjected to 5 min heat-shock at 24 hpf, a selected region containing a marked mnc wounded at 4 dpf and allowed to regenerate for 3 days while repeatedly observed (also shown in Fig. 6B-F). A 2-colour confocal stack at 3 dpw (top) was segmented (bottom) to reveal the marked-mnc-derived regenerated fibres in som14.

Clonal behaviour of myogenic precursor cells throughout the vertebrate lifespan

Simon M. Hughes, Roberta C. Escaleira, Kees Wanders, Jana Koth, David G. Wilkinson, and Qiling Xu

Biology Open 2022. 11:None-None; doi: 10.1242/bio.059476