Movie 1.
F-actin dynamics visualized using UtrCH-sfGFP in the zebrafish embryo from the 8-cell stage to the high stage. Zebrafish embryos were injected with UtrCH-sfGFP and H3K9ac Fab-Cy5. Every 90 s, fluorescence images of the 8-cell stage to the high stage were acquired using a confocal microscope. Single confocal sections of UtrCH-sfGFP signals from the 8-cell stage (1.25 hpf) to high stage (3.5 hpf) are shown.
Actin filaments accumulated in the nucleus remain in the vicinity of condensing chromosomes in the zebrafish early embryo
Biology Open 2023. 12:None-None; doi: 10.1242/bio.059783