Movie 1
Related to Figure 4: PIP3 enrichment along the developing cleavage furrow in an asymmetrically dividing NB in primary culture
Time-lapse movie of a larval NB dividing in culture. The Venus fluorescent protein sequence is split into a N-terminal and a C-terminal half, each half fused to the PIP3-specific binding sequence of the GRP1-PH domain. Co-expressed as UAS-transgenes using worGal4, the N- and C-terminal Venus-GRP1-PH fragments are recruited to PIP3-rich plasma membrane domains where they complement to form fluorescent Venus-PIP3 reporter molecule. Single focal plane, imaged every 73 secs. Time stamp is mins:secs. First three of seven cell divisions shown.
Neuroblast niche position is controlled by Phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent DE-Cadherin adhesion
Development 2017. 144:820-829; doi: 10.1242/dev.136713