Movie 2

Live imaging of early Tc-capicua RNAi embryo
12 hours Time-lapse fluorescence recording of a Tribolium embryo expressing nuclearlocalized GFP under a ubiquitous promoter (transgenic line EFA-nGFP). Stacks were recorded every 12 minutes at 10x magnification and 20°C. Upon Tc-cic depletion, the serosa anlagen expands at the expense of the anterior head anlagen. Eventually extraembryonic membranes cover the entire egg. Embryonic tissue is restricted to the posterior pole of the egg and becomes internalized completely. Anterior to the left.

Transcriptome sequencing reveals maelstrom as a novel target gene of the terminal system in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum

Fabian Pridöhl, Matthias Weißkopf, Nikolaus Koniszewski, Andreas Sulzmaier, Steffen Uebe, Arif B. Ekici, and Michael Schoppmeier

Development 2017. 144:1339-1349; doi: 10.1242/dev.136853