Movie 1

Ectopic photoreceptors and ectospheres in anterior blastemas of regenerating β1-int RNAi fragments. FISH against tph (magenta; labels eye pigment cells and serotonergic neurons) combined with anti-ARRESTIN immunostaining (green; labels photoreceptor neurons) on regenerating ctrl (top panel) and β1-int RNAi trunk fragments (bottom panel) at 20 dpa reveals the formation of ectopic eyespots in β1-int RNAi animals, even in more ventral regions. Videos are maximum 3D Z-projections that were converted and processed with Fiji (brightest point projection, Y-axis rotation, 15 fps). DNA is in blue (Hoechst). Scale bar: Movie S1 = 100 μm.

Integrins are required for tissue organization and restriction of neurogenesis in regenerating planarians

Florian Seebeck, Martin März, Anna-Wiebke Meyer, Hanna Reuter, Matthias C. Vogg, Martin Stehling, Karina Mildner, Dagmar Zeuschner, Franziska Rabert, and Kerstin Bartscherer

Development 2017. 144:795-807; doi: 10.1242/dev.139774