Movie 3

Organization of ectospheres. Double FISH against glia marker estrella/neura-1 (magenta) and neuronal marker chat (green) in ctrl (top panel) and β1-int RNAi trunk fragments (bottom panel) 20 dpa. Note that the regenerating brain appears less organized in β1-int RNAi animals. Ectospheres are polar assemblies of neurons and glia cells, with axons and glia cells on the inside and neural cell bodies on the outside, similar to the planarian brain. Videos are maximum 3D Z-projections from ventral to dorsal side of the animals that were converted and processed with Fiji (brightest point projection). DNA is in blue (Hoechst). Scale bar: Movie S3 = 100 μm.

Integrins are required for tissue organization and restriction of neurogenesis in regenerating planarians

Florian Seebeck, Martin März, Anna-Wiebke Meyer, Hanna Reuter, Matthias C. Vogg, Martin Stehling, Karina Mildner, Dagmar Zeuschner, Franziska Rabert, and Kerstin Bartscherer

Development 2017. 144:795-807; doi: 10.1242/dev.139774