Movie 2
Clustering simulation based on a model of differential adhesion. Shows 48 hours of simulated clustering, sampled every 20 time steps. Only ureteric epithelium (adhesive) cells in a portion of simulation shown. Random colours are used to distinguish clusters, and similarity in colours between clusters has no meaning. See Fig. 4A, Fig. S2D-F and online methods for description and derivation of model. A cluster is defined as a set of cells where any two cells are connected by a path consisting of one or more adhesion bonds. Colour changes mark the joining of clusters; for example at 15 seconds the main black and blue clusters merge.
Self-organisation after embryonic kidney dissociation is driven via selective adhesion of ureteric epithelial cells
Development 2017. 144:1087-1096; doi: 10.1242/dev.140228