Supplemental Movie 1

A P-cell nucleus in Z.
Movie showing a single P-cell nucleus labeled with NLS::tdTomato, at the time of nuclear migration. The movie shows lateral views of 10 200nm Z step sections starting inside the animal and progressively moving toward the lateral surface. The movie starts showing the ventral portion of the nucleus; later z slices show the lateral part of the nucleus and, finally, the connection of the two larger nuclear volumes in the constricted space. Dorsal is up, ventral is down. Scale bar is 2 μm.

Nuclei migrate through constricted spaces using microtubule motors and actin networks in C. elegans hypodermal cells

Courtney R. Bone, Yu-Tai Chang, Natalie E. Cain, Shaun P. Murphy, and Daniel A. Starr

Development 2016. 143:4193-4202; doi: 10.1242/dev.141192