Movie 7

Stage 32, cxcr4b-/- Tg(Eya1:EGFP)
kazura mutants fail to form secondary organs. Deposited primary organs in cxcr4b-/- Tg(Eya1:EGFP) with a mild phenotype. Primary organs are able to migrate ventrally but connections between them are severed. The few surviving ICs are incapable of forming secondary organs and undergo apoptosis. Time is displayed in hours. Scale bar 50 μm. N=8 movies, N=8 embryos.

Sequential organogenesis sets two parallel sensory lines in medaka

Ali Seleit, Isabel Krämer, Elizabeth Ambrosio, Nicolas Dross, Ulrike Engel, and Lázaro Centanin

Development 2017. 144:687-697; doi: 10.1242/dev.142752