Movie 1
The renal endothelial cells survive and can be observed with high resolution in the FiZD culture. The embryonic kidneys from E11.5 mTmG; Tie1Cre embryos were dissected and cultured in the FiZD for 6 days. The movie presents the Tie1Cre induced GFP expression in the endothelial cells. A stack of 20 z-layers was captured using a 10x/0.45 Zeiss Plan-Apochromat objective, images acquired every 15min. In the movie one bright field focal plane and 5 GFP z-layers are merged. The panel on the right presents a zoomed in to actual resolution close up of a developing kidney where the endothelial cells migrating into vascular cleft of S-shape stage nephrons can be observed. Here one bright field plane and one GFP z-layer are merged. Note that also some blood cells are expressing GFP signal and some of the highly moving cells are likely macrophages (Gustafsson et al., 2001). Voxel size 0.69x0.69x4.13 µm.
Novel fixed z-direction (FiZD) kidney primordia and an organoid culture system for time-lapse confocal imaging
Development 2017. 144:1113-1117; doi: 10.1242/dev.142950