Nuclear tracking of Tg(tagln:nlsgfp-2a-cfp-f) mural cells. Confocal time-lapse movie from a Tg(tagln:nlsgfp-2a-cfp-f), Tg(kdrl:mCherryCAAX) double-transgenic fish shows the movement of a tagln+ nucleus (green) from the adjacent sclerotome underneath the dorsal aorta (white), taking up position adjacent to the aorta on the opposite side of the trunk midline. The image reconstructions shown are ventral views, with rostral to the right. Confocal images were acquired every 10 minutes starting at approximately 2.5 dpf.
Amber N. Stratman, Sofia A. Pezoa, Olivia M. Farrelly, Daniel Castranova, Louis E. Dye, Matthew G. Butler, Harwin Sidik, William S. Talbot, and Brant M. Weinstein
2017. 144:115-127; doi: 10.1242/dev.143131