SPIM imaging of pdgfrbdn mural cell disrupted animals reveals increased vessel elasticity. SPIM imaging of Tg(fli1:egfp)y1; Tg(hsp70:gal4); Tg(uas:pdgfrbDNYFP) animals (right, top and bottom) versus control Tg(fli1:egfp)y1; Tg(hsp70:gal4) heat shocked siblings (left, top and bottom). Images on top were acquired with transmitted light, demonstrating normal blood flow in both conditions. Images on the bottom are acquired using a 488 nm laser to visualize GFP-positive endothelium, demonstrating increased vessel elasticity in PDGFRB-DN expressing animals.
Amber N. Stratman, Sofia A. Pezoa, Olivia M. Farrelly, Daniel Castranova, Louis E. Dye, Matthew G. Butler, Harwin Sidik, William S. Talbot, and Brant M. Weinstein
2017. 144:115-127; doi: 10.1242/dev.143131