SPIM imaging of col4a1 MO treated animals reveals increased vessel elasticity. SPIM imaging of Tg(fli1:egfp)y1 col4a1 MO injected animals (right, top and bottom) versus WT control siblings (left, top and bottom). Images on top were acquired with transmitted light, demonstrating normal blood flow in both conditions; images on the bottom were acquired using a 488 nm laser to visualize GFP-positive endothelium, demonstrating increased vessel elasticity in col4a1 morpholino-injected animals.
Amber N. Stratman, Sofia A. Pezoa, Olivia M. Farrelly, Daniel Castranova, Louis E. Dye, Matthew G. Butler, Harwin Sidik, William S. Talbot, and Brant M. Weinstein
2017. 144:115-127; doi: 10.1242/dev.143131