Movie 11

Germaria with dsor1-deficient ECs lack long and stable extensions.
A 57-minute time-lapse movie of ECs expressing dsor1-RNAi. While short and dynamic projections are visible (magenta arrowheads), long extensions encapsulating the germ line are lacking. In rare cases short-term engulfment of single cells can be observed (yellow arrowhead). The presented maximum projection includes 20 z-planes per time point at focal planes 1 μm apart captured, in 1-minute intervals. Scale bar is 20 μm.

Escort cells generate a dynamic compartment for germline stem cell differentiation via combined Stat and Erk signalling

Torsten U. Banisch, Iris Maimon, Tali Dadosh, and Lilach Gilboa

Development 2017. 144:1937-1947; doi: 10.1242/dev.143727