Movie 1

Cell sorting in heterotypic cultures of ectoderm and mesoderm progenitors.
Confocal image series of cell sorting in heterotypic aggregates consisting of ectoderm and mesoderm progenitor cells cultured for 4.5 h. All cells express Lyn-VenusGFP to outline the plasma membrane (green). Ectoderm progenitor cells were additionally labelled with cytoplasmic Dextran-Alexa648 (red). Frame rate, 6 fps; ~ 3min/frame. Scale bar, 50 μm.

Interstitial fluid osmolarity modulates the action of differential tissue surface tension in progenitor cell segregation during gastrulation

S. F. Gabriel Krens, Jim H. Veldhuis, Vanessa Barone, Daniel Čapek, Jean-Léon Maître, G. Wayne Brodland, and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg

Development 2017. 144:1798-1806; doi: 10.1242/dev.144964