Movie 5

Finite Element simulations of ectoderm-mesoderm tissue envelopment using relative interfacial tension ratios obtained from those tissues in the presence of medium with 300 mOsm/L.
When ectoderm and mesoderm aggregates are co-cultured in 300 mOsm/L medium for 5 h, the CellFIT-3D analyses obtained relative interfacial tensionsdistribution are γe-e = 1.00, γm-m = 1.62, γe-m = 2.41, γe-if = 2.94, γm-if = 1.58 (see also Fig. 4B). When these relative tensions act in two homotypic model aggregates brought into contact (leftmost part of the movie), the mesoderm cell aggregate partially envelops the ectoderm cell aggregate. Frame rate, ~ 30 fps.

Interstitial fluid osmolarity modulates the action of differential tissue surface tension in progenitor cell segregation during gastrulation

S. F. Gabriel Krens, Jim H. Veldhuis, Vanessa Barone, Daniel Čapek, Jean-Léon Maître, G. Wayne Brodland, and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg

Development 2017. 144:1798-1806; doi: 10.1242/dev.144964