Movie 6

Finite Element simulations of ectoderm-mesoderm tissue envelopment using relative interfacial tension ratios obtained from those tissues in the presence of medium with 250 mOsm/L.
When ectoderm and mesoderm aggregates are co-cultured in 250 mOsm/L medium for 5 h, the CellFIT-3D analyses obtained relative interfacial tensions distribution are γe-e = 1.00, γm-m = 1.16, γe-m = 1.32, γe-if = 1.52, γm-if = 1.41 (see also Fig. 4E). When these relative tensions act in two homotypic model aggregates brought into contact, the mesoderm cell aggregate does not envelope the ectoderm cell aggregate. Frame rate, ~ 30 fps.

Interstitial fluid osmolarity modulates the action of differential tissue surface tension in progenitor cell segregation during gastrulation

S. F. Gabriel Krens, Jim H. Veldhuis, Vanessa Barone, Daniel Čapek, Jean-Léon Maître, G. Wayne Brodland, and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg

Development 2017. 144:1798-1806; doi: 10.1242/dev.144964