Supplemental Movie 14

Confocal image time series of facial lymphatic (left) and lateral lymphatic (right) of a Tg(lyve1:dsred)nz101, Tg(mpx:GFP)i114 double-transgenic 35 dpf zebrafish (lymphatics, red; neutrophils, green). Elapsed time was 54 sec (left) and 2 min 9 sec (right). Movie for lateral lymphatic was generated from the same image data as Fig. 6T.

Development of the larval lymphatic system in zebrafish

Hyun Min Jung, Daniel Castranova, Matthew R. Swift, Van N. Pham, Marina Venero Galanternik, Sumio Isogai, Matthew G. Butler, Timothy S. Mulligan, and Brant M. Weinstein

Development 2017. 144:2070-2081; doi: 10.1242/dev.145755