Movie 11
PE of CKO at E9.5 directly contacts the heart, and PE of control at E9.75 directly contacts the heart.
Tbx18Cre/+; Cdc42fl/+; mTmG (control) at E9.75 and Tbx18Cre/+; Cdc42fl/fl; mTmG (CKO) hearts at E9.5 were fixed and whole mount stained for MF20, a marker for cardiomyocyte, or PECAM, a marker for endothelial cells, or PH3, a marker for mitotic cells. Then the embryos were cleared, 3D imaged, and then reconstructed via Imaris. Suppl. Movie 11 shows the PE directly contacting the heart in a CKO heart at E9.5. Suppl. Movie 12 shows the PE directly contacting the heart in a control heart at E9.75.
CDC42 is required for epicardial and pro-epicardial development by mediating FGF receptor trafficking to the plasma membrane
Development 2017. 144:1635-1647; doi: 10.1242/dev.147173