Movie 3

Reaction-Diffusion model of predicts induction of periodic waves of free BMP4 ligands distribution when hPSC colonies of 3mm in diameter are differentiated in BMPi = 200ng/ml. The video shows the evolution of free BMP4 distribution in accordance with the BMP4-NOGGIN reaction diffusion model in differentiating hPSC colonies of 3mm in diameter when induced to differentiate with BMPi = 200ng/ml.

A stepwise model of reaction-diffusion and positional information governs self-organized human peri-gastrulation-like patterning

Mukul Tewary, Joel Ostblom, Laura Prochazka, Teresa Zulueta-Coarasa, Nika Shakiba, Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, and Peter W. Zandstra

Development 2017. 144:4298-4312; doi: 10.1242/dev.149658