GFP::MAD-1 degradation in the embryonic intestine is rapid and penetrant. Timelapse fluorescence confocal microscopy was used to acquire images of developing C. elegans embryos expressing GFP::MAD-1 (in situ-tagged) together with either the intControl (top two rows) or intDEG (bottom two rows) transgene cassettes, both of which express the mCherry::Histone reporter. An 18-plane z-stack (2 μm step size) was acquired every 4 minutes. Images show a maximum intensity projection of the three middle slices. Playback is 1920× realtime.
Shaohe Wang, Ngang Heok Tang, Pablo Lara-Gonzalez, Zhiling Zhao, Dhanya K. Cheerambathur, Bram Prevo, Andrew D. Chisholm, Arshad Desai, and Karen Oegema
2017. 144:2694-2701; doi: 10.1242/dev.150094