Movie 1

Epithelial spheres in 3D culture contain beating multiciliated cells. Time-lapse microscopy of spherical colonies derived in 3D Matrigel from sorted Day14 Nkx2-1+ vs. – precursors, reveals beating multiciliated cells. The video was recorded after ≥3 weeks of 3D culture.

Pluripotent stem cell differentiation reveals distinct developmental pathways regulating lung- versus thyroid-lineage specification

Maria Serra, Konstantinos-Dionysios Alysandratos, Finn Hawkins, Katherine B. McCauley, Anjali Jacob, Jinyoung Choi, Ignacio S. Caballero, Marall Vedaie, Anita A. Kurmann, Laertis Ikonomou, Anthony N. Hollenberg, John M. Shannon, and Darrell N. Kotton

Development 2017. 144:3879-3893; doi: 10.1242/dev.150193