Movie 8, related to Figure S4.

Basal protrusions of PrCs retract quickly during HC differentiation.
Z-stack projections of 6-hour time-lapse sequence of an E14 Atoh1Cre*PR; R26RZsGreen cochlear explant, shown in XY (top) and XZ (bottom) views. PrCs spanning from the basement membrane to the lumenal surface move toward the apex. One PrC, initially in contact with the basement membrane, retracts its basal protrusion (arrow) from about 04:30 to 06:00, assuming a more HC-like shape (arrowhead). Images were acquired at 5 min. intervals.

Cell migration, intercalation and growth regulate mammalian cochlear extension

Elizabeth Carroll Driver, Amy Northrop, and Matthew W. Kelley

Development 2017. 144:3766-3776; doi: 10.1242/dev.151761