Movie S3

Time-lapse imaging of cells labeled at two neighboring anteroposterior levels with DiI (magenta) or DiO (green) in one of the paired heart primordia. This pattern of labeling clearly shows that cells initially arrayed anteroposteriorly reorient mediolaterally during heart tube formation. Selected images are shown in Figure 3B. Annotated, duplicated time-lapse images are shown in the right panel. Red and blue dots depict the original medial and lateral edges of the DiI-labeled cell stripe (magenta), respectively.

The heart tube forms and elongates through dynamic cell rearrangement coordinated with foregut extension

Hinako Kidokoro, Sayuri Yonei-Tamura, Koji Tamura, Gary C. Schoenwolf, and Yukio Saijoh

Development 2018. 145:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.152488