Movie 1

A Pax2-cell migrating across the developing cerebellar cortex. Confocal time lapse recording (cLSM, Pascal 5, Carl Zeiss; frames were taken every 10 seconds for 3 hours) from a sagittal slice obtained from a p7 mouse. Pax2-cells are identified by their expression of EGFP. Large, roundish Pax2-cells in the IGL are resident Golgi cells. Several smaller, mainly bipolar Pax2-cells can be seen to migrate in the prospective WM, the IGL and towards the ML. One of these precursors of ML interneurons can be followed as it migrates from about the middle of the IGL to the outer ML within 3 h. Its initial and final positions are marked by arrows in the first and last frame, respectively. Note that this Pax2-cell repeatedly extends and retracts branches of the leading process and has highly dynamic growth cones. Some jitter in the movie and variable intensities of other cells are due to the fact that we repeatedly re-focused on this one cell during recording.

Synaptic input as a directional cue for migrating interneuron precursors

Annika K. Wefers, Christian Haberlandt, Nuriye B. Tekin, Dmitry A. Fedorov, Aline Timmermann, Johannes J. L. van der Want, Farrukh A. Chaudhry, Christian Steinhäuser, Karl Schilling, and Ronald Jabs

Development 2017. 144:4125-4136; doi: 10.1242/dev.154096