Movie 4

Three-dimensional rendering of 100x confocal z-stack of an abnormal post-mitotic neuron, showing typical nuclear bouquets containing multiple concentric centrosomes located close to the center of the nuclear bouquet, suggestive of strong polarity defects. Adjusted signal for all channels, acetylated tubulin (red), pericentrin (green) and DAPI (white) are shown, followed by surfaces-modeled by thresholding on intensity for DAPI and pericentrin.

Chromosomal instability during neurogenesis in Huntington's disease

Albert Ruzo, Gist F. Croft, Jakob J. Metzger, Szilvia Galgoczi, Lauren J. Gerber, Cecilia Pellegrini, Hanbin Wang, Maria Fenner, Stephanie Tse, Adam Marks, Corbyn Nchako, and Ali H. Brivanlou

Development 2018. 145:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.156844