Movie 4

3D movie of 3DISCO-cleared hindbrain from an E13 Ntn1-/- embryo showing the massive invasion of trigeminal and auditory nerves by Robo3-immunoreactive commissural axons. Abbreviations: Ce, cerebellum; Hind, hindbrain; Mes, mesencephalon; Fr; Fasciculus retroflexus; V, trigeminal nerve; VIII, auditory nerve.

Commissural neurons transgress the CNS/PNS boundary in absence of ventricular zone-derived netrin 1

Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo, Sergi Roig Puiggros, Heike Blockus, Chloé Dominici, Pavol Zelina, Patrick Mehlen, and Alain Chédotal

Development 2018. 145:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.159400