Supplemental Movie 1

Full z-stack images shown in Figure 5A. 3D volume rendering for Endomucin (blue), PROX1 (red), NRP2 (green) and DAPI allowing visualisation of the multicellular cluster that is budding from the Endomucin-positive blood vessel. Red blood cells are embedded inside the LEC cluster that still remains connected to the adjacent blood vessel.

A blood capillary plexus-derived population of progenitor cells contributes to genesis of the dermal lymphatic vasculature during embryonic development

Cathy Pichol-Thievend, Kelly L. Betterman, Xiaolei Liu, Wanshu Ma, Renae Skoczylas, Emmanuelle Lesieur, Frank L. Bos, Dorte Schulte, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Benjamin M. Hogan, Guillermo Oliver, Natasha L. Harvey, and Mathias Francois

Development 2018. 145:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.160184