Movie 1

Gpc4 is required for efficient endoderm C&E during early segmentation. Time-lapse experiments were performed on Tg(sox17:EGFP) control or gpc4 mutant embryos from 1-6s, using an epifluorescence microscope (DMI 6000, Leica) with a 5x/NA 0.15 objective. Images were acquired at 5-min intervals and movie plays at 5 frames/sec.

Glypican 4 and Mmp14 interact in regulating the migration of anterior endodermal cells by limiting extracellular matrix deposition

Bo Hu, Yuanyuan Gao, Lauren Davies, Stephanie Woo, Jacek Topczewski, Jason R. Jessen, and Fang Lin

Development 2018. 145:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.163303