Dynamic Arp3GFP localization predicts de novo branchlet formation. (Related to Fig. 2)
Localization of GFP-tagged Arp3 under the control of Gal4ppk within dendrite branches of differentiating cIVda neurons of 2nd instar larvae (green). Dendrite dynamics were visualized with membrane-tagged red fluorescent cherry (magenta; UAS-mCD8-cherry) [genotype Gal4109(2)80/ +; UAS-mCD8-Cherry/ UAS-Arp3-GFP]. Images for this time-lapse series were obtained by spinning disc confocal microscopy every minute over a period of 10 minutes. Arrows point to sites of Arp-3-GFP accumulation, which precedes de novo branch formation. Scale bar = 10 μm.
Tomke Stürner, Anastasia Tatarnikova, Jan Mueller, Barbara Schaffran, Hermann Cuntz, Yun Zhang, Maria Nemethova, Sven Bogdan, Vic Small, and Gaia Tavosanis
2019. 146:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.171397