Movie 1

HC lamination during zebrafish retina development. Light-sheet time-lapse imaging of HC layer formation during retina development. lhx-1:eGFP (green) labels HCs and ptf1a:dsRed labels both HCs and ACs (magenta). HCs are born at the apical side of the retina and then migrate to the basal INL. After stop-over within the AC layer (magenta), HCs undergo apical migration to form the thin HC layer below the OPL at the apical side of the retina. Imaging started around 42hpf and ended at 70hpf. Time interval 5min. Mitotic HCprs are labelled with an arrow. Time in h:min and scale bars = 50 μm. Related to Figure 1 and 3.

Stochastic single cell migration leads to robust horizontal cell layer formation in the vertebrate retina

Rana Amini, Anastasia A. Labudina, and Caren Norden

Development 2019. 146:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.173450