Time-lapse confocal microscopy of GFP-TAC-1, mCherry-PAR-2 in zyg-12 (RNAi) in one-cell stage of C. elegans embryos. Time-lapse movies were acquired using FV3000 Confocal system, 60X 1.4 NA objective, with high-sensitivity cooled GaAsP detection unit (Olympus Corporation, Japan) at 1 frame every 15-30 s, with 1 μm step size covering a z-thickness of 7-11 μm. Maximum intensity projection is shown, played at 20 frames/sec. Note the positive correlation between the position of the centrosome and the site of establishment of mCherry-PAR-2 polarity axis in zyg-12 (RNAi), where the centrosome is detached from the nuclear envelope.