Movie 3

Simulation of rotation of a short (0.9 axial ratio) spindle with pointed poles and short astral microtubules. This spindle has the axial ratio of a control spindle and pointed poles like a mei-2(ct98) spindle. Astral microtubules are short due to a polymerization rate of 0.06 μm/s.

Spherical spindle shape promotes perpendicular cortical orientation by preventing isometric cortical pulling on both spindle poles during C. elegans female meiosis

Elizabeth Vargas, Karen P. McNally, Daniel B. Cortes, Michelle T. Panzica, Brennan M. Danlasky, Qianyan Li, Amy Shaub Maddox, and Francis J. McNally

Development 2019. 146:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.178863