Movie 2

Live imaging of migrating cortical interneurons in an E14.5 Dlx5/6-CIE brain slice treated with SP600125. Ventrolateral left, dorsomedial right. Movie Clip 1. Mid-cortical position of an E14.5 Dlx5/6-CIE brain slice imaged for 12 hours in 20 μM SP600125, a pan-JNK inhibitor. Cortical interneurons migrate slower, change trajectories, and evacuate the MZ and SVZ streams to infiltrate the cortical plate by the end of the imaging period. Movie Clip 2. Three tracked cortical interneurons take tortuous trajectories from the SVZ stream to enter the cortical plate, where they remain for the duration of the imaging period.

JNK signaling is required for proper tangential migration and laminar allocation of cortical interneurons

Abigail K. Myers, Jessica G. Cunningham, Skye E. Smith, John P. Snow, Catherine A. Smoot, and Eric S. Tucker

Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.180646