Movie 3

Live imaging of migrating cortical interneurons in an E14.5 cDKO brain slice at the midcortical position. Ventrolateral left, dorsomedial right. Movie Clip 1. Interneurons in cDKO brain slices migrate in organized MZ and SVZ streams when imaged ex vivo for 18 hours. Movie Clips 2-4. The 18-hour movies were divided in to three, 6-hour time intervals for quantification of dynamic behavior of interneurons. In cDKO slices, interneurons in all three time intervals maintain a tangential orientation, and migrate in the SVZ throughout the duration of the recording.

JNK signaling is required for proper tangential migration and laminar allocation of cortical interneurons

Abigail K. Myers, Jessica G. Cunningham, Skye E. Smith, John P. Snow, Catherine A. Smoot, and Eric S. Tucker

Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.180646