Movie 7
Aurora B regulates adhesion dynamics during E8-E16 epithelial polarization.
WT (top row) and air-2(or207) (bottom row) mutant embryos expressing HMP-1::GFP (green in merge, right movie) and TBB-1::mCherry (top middle, magenta in upper left merge) or PH::mCherry and H2B::mCherry (bottom middle, magenta in lower left merge). In WT, HMP-1::GFP accumulates at the furrow and midbody as it migrates to the apical surface where it accumulates during polarization. In Aurora B mutant embryos, HMP-1::GFP is reduced in the furrow and midbody and cells that fail cytokinesis (left pair of gut cells) delay adhesion accumulation at the midline. Images are maximum Z projections of 10-15 z planes 1 μm apart that were acquired every 60 seconds. Playback rate is 6 frames/second.
Aurora B functions at the apical surface after specialized cytokinesis during morphogenesis in C. elegans
Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.181099