Movie 1

Morphology of the WT OFT at 36 hpf.
Movie illustrates a three-dimensional reconstruction of the WT OFT and ventricle at 36 hpf, as shown in Fig. 3A, beginning with a lateral view of the OFT and ventricle, zooming in on the OFT, rotating to show a ventral view, and finally transitioning to a different lateral view. Scale bars adjust to perspective. The endocardium exhibits relatively uniform width along the proximal-distal axis of the OFT.

Cardiac function modulates endocardial cell dynamics to shape the cardiac outflow tract

Pragya Sidhwani, Dena M. Leerberg, Giulia L. M. Boezio, Teresa L. Capasso, Hongbo Yang, Neil C. Chi, Beth L. Roman, Didier Y. R. Stainier, and Deborah Yelon

Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.185900