Movie 4

The tnnt2a mutant OFT endocardium collapses by 51 hpf.
Movie (as in Movie 1) illustrates a three-dimensional reconstruction of the tnnt2a mutant OFT and ventricle at 51 hpf, as shown in Fig. 3P. While the tnnt2a mutant OFT myocardium appears similar in volume to WT at 51 hpf, the tnnt2a mutant OFT endocardium appears as a single row of cells with no evident lumen at this stage.

Cardiac function modulates endocardial cell dynamics to shape the cardiac outflow tract

Pragya Sidhwani, Dena M. Leerberg, Giulia L. M. Boezio, Teresa L. Capasso, Hongbo Yang, Neil C. Chi, Beth L. Roman, Didier Y. R. Stainier, and Deborah Yelon

Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.185900