Migration of NC cells injected with Trio MO in combination with hTrio DNA. NC explants of embryos injected with 8 ng Trio MO and 10 pg hTrio DNA, 500 pg GAP43-GFP RNA and 400 pg H2B-mcherry RNA were co-injected to visualize the membrane (green) and the nucleus (red). The cells were observed using spinning disc microscopy (40x objective). Z-stacks of 5-7 slices were taken every 5 minutes for a time period of 20 minutes. The co-expression of Trio restored protrusion formation in Trio depleted cells.
Marie-Claire Kratzer, Sarah F. S. Becker, Anita Grund, Anne Merks, Jakub Harnoš, Vítězslav Bryja, Klaudia Giehl, Jubin Kashef, and Annette Borchers
2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.186338