Movie 5

Tracking of fluorescent beads to determine cilia generated flow in mouse tracheas. Representative movies showing tracked fluorescent beads in trachea explants of wild type (left) and Cfap206Δex4/Δex4 (right) mice. The speed of the fluorescent beads was determined by tracking using IMARIS (bitplane). Bullets represent the tracked beads, lines trace the bead tracks (violet, wild type; green, Cfap206Δex4/Δex4). Movies were recorded with 4.76 fps and played back at a rate of 10 fps.

The FOXJ1 target Cfap206 is required for sperm motility, mucociliary clearance of the airways and brain development

Anja Beckers, Christian Adis, Karin Schuster-Gossler, Lena Tveriakhina, Tim Ott, Franziska Fuhl, Jan Hegermann, Karsten Boldt, Katrin Serth, Ev Rachev, Leonie Alten, Elisabeth Kremmer, Marius Ueffing, Martin Blum, and Achim Gossler

Development 2020. 147:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.188052