Movie 4

(Main figure 2A-C): Confocal time-lapse movie of anastomotic ring formation in a wild-type and in two rasip1ubs28 mutant embryos from 32 hpf. Endothelial cell junctions are labeled by VE-cad-Venus (Tg(cdh5:cdh5-TFP TENS-Venus)uq11bh) (reverse contrast). Scale bar, 20μm.

Control of dynamic cell behaviors during angiogenesis and anastomosis by Rasip1

Minkyoung Lee, Charles Betz, Jianmin Yin, Ilkka Paatero, Niels Schellinx, Adam N. Carte, Christopher W. Wilson, Weilan Ye, Markus Affolter, and Heinz-Georg Belting

Development 2021. 148:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.197509