Movie 10.

Expression of Fly-FUCCI markers in a live GSC. 500-minute-long time-lapse movie of a nanos > GFP::E2f1 + mRFP1::nls-CycB germarium showing the distribution of the Fly-FUCCI markers throughout the cell cycle. In G2 (t = –110′ to –10′), the cell expresses both GFPand RFP-fusions. At NEP, both protein fusions are released into the cytoplasm (t = 0′). At the M/G1 transition, the RFP signal disappears and only the GFP signal is detected (t = 20′). From t = 30′ to 130′, neither GFP nor RFP are visible. At the onset of S phase (t = 140′), the RFP fusion is detected. At the S/G2 transition, the GFP fusion begins to be visible (t = 210′). Asterisk: dividing GSC. The movie is a maximum projection of 5–9 z-planes (1 μm each) per time point (taken every 10 minutes). Related to Fig. 3.

Development ; doi: 10.1242/dev.199716