Movie 11.

Cellular events during GSC mitosis. 129-minute-long time-lapse movie of a YFP::asl, GFP::atubulin, his::RFP germarium to label centrosomes, microtubules and chromatin, respectively, during a GSC division. The orientation of centrosomes (t = –30′), increased microtubule nucleation (t = –15′), chromatin condensation (t = –6′), NEP (t = –0′), metaphase (t = 3.5′ to 10.50′), centrosome translocation to the cell cortex (t = 4.5′ to 7.5′), anaphase (t = 12′ to 13.5′) and telophase + spindle midbody formation (t = 15′ to 18′) are indicated. Asterisk: dividing GSC; CB: cystoblast; blue open arrowhead: anterior centrosome; yellow open arrowhead: posterior centrosome. The movie is a maximum projection of 4–9 zplanes (1 μm each) per time point (taken every 1.5 minutes). Related to Fig. 5A.

Development ; doi: 10.1242/dev.199716