Movie 16.

Division and cytokinesis of GSC-like tumour cells. 360- and 570-minute time-lapse movies of GFP::par-1, nanos > tkvAct germaria showing the division of a GSC-like tumour cell in which the spectrosome translocates from one pole of the cell, opposite to the future cytokinetic ring, to the bridge connecting both cells upon division. The spectrosome then grows symmetrically between both daughter cells (Movie 1). Movie 2 captures the cytokinesis of a pair of interconnected cells followed by their seemingly random movement. Movie 1- asterisks: mitotic GSC-like tumour cell and its daughters; white open arrowhead: GSC-like spectrosome and new spectrosome material; yellow open arrowhead: GFP::Par-1-positive plug filling the intercellular bridge connecting both daughter cells. Movie 2- white arrowhead: spectrosome at the intercellular bridge and in the daughter cells; white open arrowhead: post-abscission midbody. Related to Fig. 8C, D.

Development ; doi: 10.1242/dev.199716