Movie 7.
Time-lapse imaging of muscle development using Mef2>CD8:GFP. The A-P and L-R axes are indicated on the dorsal view while the A-P and D-V axes are indicated on the lateral view. Dorsal longitudinal muscles compact between 26 and 34 hAPF, before elongating in the anterior posterior direction. The muscles span the entire dorsal thorax at 46 hAPF. In the lateral and ventral view muscle development the signal in the muscles in the legs increases between 26 and 54 hAPF before plateauing. In the lateral view a small dorsal-ventral muscle can be seen to appear at 58 hAPF. This movie was made with three angles without tiling. Dorsal-longitudinal muscles: red arrowheads; dorsal-ventral muscles: yellow arrowheads. The acquisition parameters are detailed in Table S1. Scale bar 200 μm.
Multi-view confocal microscopy enables multiple organ and whole organism live-imaging
Development 2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.199760