Movie 6.
Expression of E(spl)m8-HLH in control and α-Cat RNAi embryos. Movies showing MCP-GFP channel with E(spl)m8-HLH transcription (maximum intensity projection, left) and His2Av-RFP channel in blue overlaid with MCP-GFP in green (maximum intensity projection, right) in control (top) and α-Cat depleted (bottom) embryos. 0.36 μm/px XY resolution, 32x1μm slices and time resolution of 20s/frame. Anterior to the left; embryo imaged from the ventral side. Time indicates minutes from the beginning of nc14.
Membrane architecture and adherens junctions contribute to strong Notch pathway activation
Development 2021. 148:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.199831