Movie 4.

Live imaging of an embryo laid by a BicDmom mother 5 days after stopping the induction of BicD expression and expressing Jupiter::GFP to visualize the microtubules and Histone::RFP to visualize the chromatin. This embryo arrested, containing several more abnormal nuclei that were also unable to divide properly. At the end of the movie, free centrosomes were observed that replicated and populated the embryo.

Female meiosis II and pronuclear fusion require the microtubule transport factor Bicaudal D

Paula Vazquez-Pianzola, Dirk Beuchle, Gabriella Saro, Greco Hernández, Giovanna Maldonado, Dominique Brunßen, Peter Meister, and Beat Suter

Development 2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.199944