Time-lapse of 26 hours PF trunk vasculature of MO-gata1 Tg[(fli1ep:Lifeact-EGFP); Tg(fli1:NLS-mCherry)] embryo. Time frame 10 min. White arrowhead (min 0)- anastomosis. Black arrow head (min 540) - secondary sprouting. Yellow circle (min 1030) - mitosis (strong cortical F-actin accumulation). Blue arrowhead (min 340) - emigration to the DLAV. Red arrowhead (min 620) - emigration to DLAV.
André Rosa, Wolfgang Giese, Katja Meier, Silvanus Alt, Alexandra Klaus-Bergmann, Lowell T. Edgar, Eireen Bartels-Klein, Russell T. Collins, Anna Szymborska, Baptiste Coxam, Miguel O. Bernabeu, and Holger Gerhardt
2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.200195