Movie 1.

Timelapse of C. elegans embryo expressing LGL-1::GFP, PAR-6::mCherry at the endogenous loci from the 1- to 4-cell stage highlighting differences between uncorrected and corrected image stacks for the GFP channel. DIC, mCherry, raw GFP and SAIBR images shown. Frame rate 1/min.

SAIBR: a simple, platform-independent method for spectral autofluorescence correction

Nelio T. L. Rodrigues, Tom Bland, Joana Borrego-Pinto, KangBo Ng, Nisha Hirani, Ying Gu, Sherman Foo, and Nathan W. Goehring

Development 2022. 149:None-None; doi: 10.1242/dev.200545